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Belle Vale Community Primary School

'Learning Together, Being Our Best'

Welcome to our school website. We are a friendly, ambitious and inclusive school where children always come first. We hope you find all the information you require. Please contact the school office if you need further information or guidance.

Assemblies and Collective Worship

Assemblies are held daily in school and are a lovely opportunity for us to get together as a community. They have a broadly Christian theme and we discuss other religions as part of our multi-cultural education. Through our calendar of 'Thinking Themes' we also cover important aspects of citizenship and values such as kindness, forgiveness, respect and trust. We also look at British Values in preparation for life in modern Britain.

The children usually sing a hymn, say a prayer and are encouraged to be actively involved in the story or presentation. 

Each Friday, a celebration assembly is held where children are commended for good behaviour, hard work, earning house points, attendance, punctuality and uniform.

Assemblies give us all a real sense of belonging to our positive and vibrant school community.
