Home Page

Belle Vale Community Primary School

'Learning Together, Being Our Best'

Welcome to our school website. We are a friendly, ambitious and inclusive school where children always come first. We hope you find all the information you require. Please contact the school office if you need further information or guidance.

Things you need to know

Key information


  • The school gate will open at 8.45 and then again at 3.15 for our full-time children.
  • Snack is £1 per week for EYFS children and lunch is £2 per day.
  • You can help your Nursery child at home by practising counting objects, singing counting songs/ nursery rhymes and reading to them frequently. 


It is important your child is in school as much as possible in order to reach their full potential, however if your child is in any way ill then they should not be in school. You must inform the school immediately if your child is absent.
