Home Page

Belle Vale Community Primary School

'Learning Together, Being Our Best'

Welcome to our school website. We are a friendly, ambitious and inclusive school where children always come first. We hope you find all the information you require. Please contact the school office if you need further information or guidance.


In  addition to phonics time, each day the children will enjoy teacher directed maths activities.  We teach our number skills through fun and interactive activities.  Children will become confident recognising, ordering numbers to 10/ 20 and ways to make different amounts.

You can help your child by practising lots of counting forwards and backwards.  Counting when you are out and about is really useful.  Count the conkers and leaves you find on your trip to the park.  Count how many seconds it takes to walk up the stairs.  Look at door numbers on the way home from school.  The list of opportunities is endless. 

More information will be sent home with ideas to help your child.
