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Belle Vale Community Primary School

'Learning Together, Being Our Best'

Welcome to our school website. We are a friendly, ambitious and inclusive school where children always come first. We hope you find all the information you require. Please contact the school office if you need further information or guidance.

Curriculum Intent

The curriculum at Belle Vale is regularly reviewed and developed. The long-term aim is to have an inclusive and stimulating curriculum that has been personalised to:

  •  Encourage a positive attitude to learning
  •  Develop confident learners and promote self esteem
  •  Provide a variety of enrichment experiences
  • Support high levels of communication through spoken language and vocabulary
  • Encourage the children to ask questions and make connections in their learning
  •  Explore and celebrate differences in cultures and communities
  • Achieve success in all areas of the curriculum
  • Prepare for next stage of education

This will be achieved through a breadth of enjoyable, progressive and high-quality learning experiences.
English and Maths lessons are taught every day and pupils are provided with opportunities to develop and practice reading, writing, maths and IT skills in a purposeful context across all subjects.
The ‘Read, Write, Inc’ programme for the acquisition of phonics, early reading and spelling is delivered daily to children in Reception and KS1. From Reception to Y6, writing is taught through the Literacy Counts Read to Write programme which places high-quality literature at the core.
We use the Power Maths scheme from Y1-Y6 and White Rose Hub mathematics in Reception.
Core learning has been identified by leaders for all curriculum subjects to enable the progressive development of knowledge, skills and understanding.
Some of the foundation subjects are taught through linked themes; exploiting links and connections between subjects to support pupils to make meaning of information and transfer their understanding. Other subjects are taught discretely e.g. Science, Computing and RE.
The PE and Sports curriculum has been developed to include more intra and inter school competitions with the focus on developing the competitive aspect of sport as well as the School Games Values. All KS2 children will have a term-long course of weekly swimming sessions each year.
The PSHE Curriculum teaches pupils emotional literacy, social and lifelong skills, relationships education and resilience in an age appropriate manner.
Specialist peripatetic teachers provide high quality lesson in computing, sport and Spanish.
