Please keep in touch with all that is happening in our class by visiting our Twitter pages @BelleValeSchool @MissCroneBVP
P.E Days
This year, we will have P.E on Tuesdays and Wednesday. Please ensure your child arrives at school in full P.E kit (navy shorts and a white t shirt or a navy track suit.)
Reading books will be sent home once a week, please return your book on the day specified on the bookmark.
Lunches and Fruit
All Year 1 and 2 children are entitled to a free, hot school dinner and snack at morning break time. Milk is also available for a small fee paid to the office or via ParentPay. Please note, packed lunches are not allowed in Key Stage 1.
Uniform and Belongings
School uniform must be worn everyday. Bags/book bags are encouraged to be brought into school and are useful for any letters and reading books that need to be taken home. Water bottles will be returned home each day for cleaning.
Please ensure all uniform is clearly labelled.
It is important your child is in school as much as possible in order to reach their full potential, however, if your child is in any way ill then they should not be in school. You must inform the school immediately if your child is absent.