Home Page

Belle Vale Community Primary School

'Learning Together, Being Our Best'

Welcome to our school website. We are a friendly, ambitious and inclusive school where children always come first. We hope you find all the information you require. Please contact the school office if you need further information or guidance.

Y3M Mr Evans 24/25

Welcome to Year 3

Staff: Mr Evans and Miss McDougall


Hello Year 3! Welcome to our class page!

Please keep up to date with our amazing work throughout the year via our Twitter pages - @MrEvansBVP and @BellevaleSchool


Important Dates:


Wednesday 5th September 2024 - Children return to school after Summer break 


Friday 25th October 2024 - Children finish for half term 


Monday 4th November 2024 - Children return to school after half term break


Friday 20th December 2024 - Children finish for Christmas break 


Monday 6th January 2025 - Children return to school after Christmas break



All children need to wear full school uniform everyday.

Please ensure that all uniform and belongings are clearly labelled. 

Children are now allowed to bring bags/book bags to school.

Water bottles will be taken home every day for cleaning.




Our PE days this term are Monday and Tuesday. Children also have dance on Fridays where they can wear PE kit. Can all children please attend school in their PE kits, which they will remain in for the whole day.

PE kit: navy shorts, white t-shirt & navy track suit. 


Homework will go out on Thursday and be due back in on Tuesday. Spellings will also be sent home on a Thursday to be practised at home (as well as in school) and we will be tested on these the following Friday.



Reading books will be sent home on a Thursday to be returned on a Tuesday with homework.


Children will be expected to wash their hands regularly throughout the school day for at least 20 seconds, including in the morning as they first enter the classroom. Please show your children how to wash their hands effectively and ensure they are aware of the importance of hand hygiene.





Hot dinners are £2 a day, per child, and payable through the school money app. Children can bring a packed lunch ensuring they follow the healthy school guidelines. 



Snack costs 20p per day. The children are responsible for purchasing this at breaktime to help build independence. 


